Solo Traveling with Depression: Learning When to Say “Enough”

Solo Traveling with Depression: Learning When to Say “Enough”

I have a theory that solo travel accelerates everything. Without other human constants to stabilize you, you experience everything more starkly: both more harshly and more beautifully. Your challenges are more Sisyphean; your successes, more revelatory. For someone like me, who has long battled mental illness, traveling with depression makes this even more true. My four…

Urbex in Bosnia: The Sarajevo Bobsled Track, the Mostar Sniper Tower, & More

Urbex in Bosnia: The Sarajevo Bobsled Track, the Mostar Sniper Tower, & More

Bosnia bears its battle scars. The war that ripped through the country in the 1990s is still very much present in its architecture. In an odd way, these reminders of the war have become a tourist attraction of sorts, from the Sniper Tower in Mostar to the abandoned Olympic bobsled track in Sarajevo and everything…

How I Work From Anywhere and Travel Indefinitely Using Upwork

How I Work From Anywhere and Travel Indefinitely Using Upwork

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut with limited vacation time and a bucket list a mile long, I’ve got news for you. It doesn’t have to be that way. There are countless ways to travel and live abroad — from working holiday visas to teaching English online. For many, freelancing is the ultimate goal,…

32 of the Quirkiest, Most Colorful Cities in the World

There’s nothing I like more than traveling around colorful cities and neighborhoods teeming with bright hues. I’m usually already wide-eyed and thrilled to be traveling somewhere new. Add bursts of color in unexpected places and I suddenly find myself inspired and dare I say, even a little giddy?pin Since I’m always adding to my ridiculously never-ending…

Mostar: War and Healing in Bosnia’s Most Photogenic Town

Mostar: War and Healing in Bosnia’s Most Photogenic Town

We are walking to the abandoned sniper tower in the center of Mostar when she says it. “I love how Christians and Muslims live in peace here,” she said. My mouth almost dropped open. Does she even know what happened here? Later, she takes selfies while leaning on a ledge that guns rested on around the clock…